Stephen T. Holzer is the Chair of our Environmental Practice Group.
- Business Beware: Environmental and Occupational Warnings Under Prop 65
- Jump Client Cases to the Front of the Line: Use Judicial Reference
- California and Federal Environmental Agencies Tackle COVID-19 Pandemic Differently
- No Relief from Agency Orders During Coronavirus Crisis
- California Ballot Guide 2018: Propositions 5-7
- California Ballot Guide 2018: Propositions 1-4
- Environmental Law: How Clean is that Cleaning Product?
- Killer Coffee? California May Exempt Coffee Industry from Prop 65 Warning Requirements
- Court Ruling re Proposition 65 Creates Great “Brewhaha” for Coffee Sellers
- Waste Water Discharge & Disposal: 9th Circuit Clarifies NPDES Permit Obligations
- Su-Perfluo-us? More Chemicals Added to Prop 65 List
- Lighting Up Legislation: The Regulation of Recreational Marijuana in California
- Temporarily Tapped Out: More Time to Consider California’s Clean Water Funding Bill
- Property Needs Environmental Cleanup? Don’t Scrap It, SCAP It.
- Environmental Law: H.R. 2936 a Solution to Fire-borrowing?
- Tomato Tweaking: Genetically Engineered Crops May Be Safe for Humans & the Environment
- Old Grounds: A Lack of Prop 65 Warnings Brew Trouble for Coffee Franchisors
- Prop 65 Update: The Rules They Are a-Changin’
- California Ballot 2016: Los Angeles County Measures A&M
- California Ballot 2016: Pros and Cons of Props 62-67
- California Ballot 2016: Pros and Cons of Props 57-61
- California Ballot 2016: Pros and Cons of Props 51-56
- Supreme Court Tells EPA Cost Does Matter
- Commercial Drones: When Tech Flies Faster Than the Speed
of Government - Commercial Leasing: No Room at Nut Tree. But Why?
- Los Angeles County Ballot: “P” is for Parks, Prevention and Protection…or Profligacy?
- Proposition 48: A North Fork in the Road for Tribal Casinos
- Prop 47: $950 Difference Between Felony & Misdemeanor
- Doctors, Lawyers and the Controversial Prop 46
- California’s Prop 45: Sticking It to “the Man” or to the People?
- Cutting the BS(A): California’s Prop 2 and the Budget Stabilization Act
- Bridging Troubled Water: Yes or No on Proposition 1?
- The Government Shutdown & How It Affects Your Business
- Hydraulic Fracking in California – This Means War
- California Election – Los Angeles County Measure by Measure
- November Propositions | California Ballot Initiatives’
Pros & Cons (Part 2 of 2) - November Propositions | California Ballot Initiatives’
Pros & Cons (Part 1 of 2) - Green the Color of Choice for British Olympic Planners
- Municipal Bankruptcies:
When Local Governments Go Belly Up - Carb Wars: Europe the Latest Evil Empire
in the Greenhouse Gas Wars? - How Green is Greenland?
A Cold, Hard Question for One Publisher - Perchhloroethylene Cleanup Hangs
Drycleaners Out to Dry - California Environmental Law –
How Much Cleanup is Too Much? - The 2012 Presidential Election &
The Ghosts of Elections Past - Cap and Trade System Capped for Now
- California’s Top Attorneys in BusinessStephen T. Holzer, Environmental Law –
Super Lawyers Business Edition, 2012, 2013 - Courts Begin to Question EPA AuthorityLos Angeles Daily Journal, April 2012
- “Blowin in the Wind” – The Controversy Over Clean EnergyLos Angeles Daily Journal, March 2011
- Rigorous Scrutiny of Environmental Regulators: 2011 DecisionsSan Fernando Valley Business Journal, March 2011