Co-ops: A Tool for Small Business Recovery
Many small businesses have been hurt or even destroyed by the COVID-19 pandemic. Owners may have lost their business and their funds. One of the legal tools that can help some owners recover is the
Jump Client Cases to the Front of the Line – Use Judicial Reference
Due to COVID-19, courts in many California counties suspended civil trials, if they did not close to civil filings altogether. As of May 7, 2020 courts in these 14 counties were closed for all civil
California and Federal Environmental Agencies Tackle COVID-19 Differently
We mentioned that California’s Regional Water Quality Control Boards and federal Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) were taking, respectively, a “harder” and “softer” line in terms of enforcement of regulations and requirements during the COVID-19 pandemic
No Relief from Agency Orders During Coronavirus Crisis
California has a State Water Resources Control Board and nine Regional Water Quality Control Boards, which among other things police the ground waters of the State to keep them free of contamination. These agencies have